Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Rough Nights

Me multitasking feeding two children at once!

Coming home from a walk! Walking is the best way to get them to sleep and let mommy get some exercise. I love how cute they look. We still need to get the second sling for Kenzie, however since I am not jogging for nice easy strolls she can sit in the regular seat!

My attempt to get them used to each other in the hopes that they will help each other self sooth the way twins do. This is going to be a process so I am going to spend time putting them in the same crib everyday for a little bit. Funny looking at this picture even though Kenzie is 3 months older than Jaris there does not appear to be much of a size difference right now!

The last few nights with Jaris have been pretty rough to say the least. He cries, and cries, and cries (okay more like screams) when he is not being held, all he seems to want to do is eat a lot and frequently especially at night, he coughs lots (yet is not sick with a cold), and spits up tons. We did change his formula so it would help with other gastrointestinal issues, however we are at a loss as to what is going on with our little boy. Good thing he and I have doctor's appointments this week Thursday. My heart hurts for him, and I really do not like not knowing how to help my little boy feel better. Well I guess I do in some ways and that is just to hold him all the time, however then I do not get time with MacKenzie, or time to sleep and that makes for a cranky zombie mom! With that being said maybe I should nap since Jeral is with Jaris and I Kenzie is napping!

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