Going on a walk with daddy and sitting on his shoulders! I love watching Jeral with our children - he truly is an amazing daddy!!!!!
So to my thoughts. For the past few months I have purposefully stayed away from posting anything to theological simply because this is an open blog and I know that I have friends and family who do not see things or believe things the way that I do. However today I am breaking away from that.
Last night Kenzie and I went for a walk and as we were walking I was telling Kenzie all about how God created the universe and we got to talking about Adam and Eve and how they ate from the one tree they were not allowed to, and what all happened as a result of that - getting kicked out of the garden, their physical bodies one day dying, and no longer getting to walk and talk with God face to face (in my humble opinion this was the worst consequence). I told her that is how sin entered the world and because of that we all are born with sin etc., and then I went on to tell her about Jesus and how Jesus is the son of God yet also God and how confusing this probably one day will be fore her and yet hopefully she will sort of get it one day maybe, however I am 31 and still am not sure how to wrap my brain around it so I just take it on faith. I then told her that Jesus died on a cross because of our sin, and then I stopped - because I do not believe that - WHAT you may be thinking - i know to some reading this I am a heathen for saying that. Just bare with me and you will understand where I am coming from. You may not agree with me however that is okay, the world would be pretty boring if we all agreed on everything.
A couple months ago we were singing a song in church and the one of the lines goes like this "it was my sin that held Him there until it was accomplished." I stopped singing and thought that is a pile of B.S. Yes I am sinful however it was not my sin that held Jesus on the cross, it was not even my sin that put him there. It was his love for me that put him on the cross and held him there. Jesus could have called on the hosts of Heaven to rescue Him, yet he did not, and the only reason He did not was because He LOVES me. If God did not love me Jesus would never have left Heaven to come to earth. Jesus would not have let himself be whipped, beaten, spit on, and humiliated the way He did if He did not love me. God loves me and God loves my children so as I talk and teach my children about God I am not going to focus on the sin aspect. Will I talk about it? Yes a bit, however that WILL NOT be our focus as parents when we are talking and sharing with our children about God, our focus will be His LOVE, His GRACE, and His MERCY. I am finding more and more with having children that my belief systems are being challenged. The truth is as I share with them despite them being so young I am not going to scare them into Heaven, I would rather love them into Heaven. In my own personal walk love has motivated me way more and in truer way than fear.
Okay enough rambling for now!
Your childern are just too cute. Congrats, and God bless.
I have never viewed it that way. We are a culture of negatives and all about putting all the blame on ourselves. I do think that we need to remember that it was because of our sin that he was there, but maybe we should dwell more on the fact that he loved us enough to do it. I love that thought, so much more positive. Thank you for that thought. I think I needed it.
God is good.
Without sin, there would be no need for mercy and grace so I think it's got to come into play at some point. What do you think about the thought that Jesus died for God's glory?
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