Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Monday, February 8, 2010

Being Selfish

Tummy time for our little girl. She is one very strong little girl and I love watching her grow everyday.

She is smiling more and more every day, and she definitely knows when she is being held by mommy and daddy, and when she is not being held by them. When MacKenzie smiles and coo's her mommy's heart melts. I love sitting and rocking in the chair and telling her stories. When her cousin Josiah was alive I would sit in a chair at the hospital and tell him made up stories about Prince Josiah and Princess MacKenzie, so mommy is continuing these stories.

So the title of the post is being selfish - I have been selfish a little the last few days. I have just wanted my son to be born so I can get my body back to me and not hurt so much. The reality is that the best thing for both of my children is for Jaris to stay in my tummy for as long as possible. Jaris needs to grow and develop and MacKenzie needs as much time with mommy and daddy as possible. Yet I have been selfish and just wanted to be pain free. The reality is that I am more than capable of handling being uncomfortable for about 8 more weeks if it is the best thing for both of my children.

1 comment:

Jen Glen said...

Oh, Leanne, I have no idea what you are experiencing or the pain you are going through, so please only hear the love and compassion in my voice as I encourage you not to wish the pregnancy away. Try to revel in and enjoy it as much as possible. You can do it. Your little girl truly is beautiful.