Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Saturday, March 13, 2010

An amazing Daddy

My little girl is all snuggled in one arm as I type this. I have a hard time putting her down right away as I love our snuggle and cuddle time. I know there will come a day that she will no longer wants snuggle and cuddle time, however here is hoping that is many, many, many, years away for both my children.

I have had to realize that the way I desire to parent and the way I am physically able to parent are two different ways at least for now. I had great intentions of carrying MacKenzie in a snugglie (baby carrier) most of the time - however my very beautiful pregnant belly will not allow for that to happen right now. I have tried, and no such luck. For now daddy gets to do that, and I have to release him to do that without my getting bitter or feeling that should be me. The truth is Jeral is a fantastic daddy and I know MacKenzie loves her dada very much - I see it in every smile, coo, and giggle. Honestly it is a pretty amazing thing to see my little girls eyes light up when she hears and sees her daddy, and for that I am grateful.

In other news I found matching car seats yesterday, so we will be taking the other one we bought in the hopes of finding a matching one back. The new car seats even match our van, and stroller. I know who would have ever thought that I would be so picky about stuff like this.

I will post pictures tomorrow!

1 comment:

Trev and Rebekah said...

You are a wonderful mommy. Have you started your herbs and how are you feeling?