Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dr.'s Appointments and Ultrasounds

So I saw the replacement OBGYN yesterday, and he was once again running behind schedule. When I got there, three people we still waiting for their appointments. However to my luck I was alone with MacKenzie and she started to fuss pretty dang loud, so he bumped me ahead of the other three patients! Yeah for my little girl helping me get in a head of people. I did great at multi-tasking because I was holding her while we had to do everything like measurements, and weighing and hearing my son's amazing heart beat.

I had an ultrasound today at the request of the Diabetes's Education Centre, so nice to be able to see my little boy - well what he would let us see of him. His head was so far down that is was hard to get a clear picture of him, however that is a good thing him having his head right down there!!!!!! Pretty much it could be any day now, or still a few weeks. We are hoping and praying for any day now, in part because I am barely able to hold my daughter for 20 minutes before my back is toast and yeah so not fun for me and little girl. I am willing to do anything and everything to help with getting labor started!!! ;)

With that being said I have realized that we will need the help of friends and family especially in the beginning. We will have two little ones - who will have very different feeding schedules, and basically this mama will be a feeding machine and the house, cooking, laundry, oiy! I have bit the bullet and asked Jeral to invite his parents out for more than just 2 days, and maybe see if Dad wants to help Jeral with the farm etc.. I have asked me mom to see if she can work it to come out for a week knowing it all depends on when my sister works, because she babysits my nephew. Basically any family and friends who want to come out and help out with holding babies and helping around the house are welcome we have decided. No more arrogant I can do it all because I am super woman attitude!!!!!!

In other news MacKenzie is sleeping in her crib for the first time tonight. We moved it into our room for now, and we will see how the first week with both kids goes, and if we are able to sleep with both of them in the room or not. If not then Jeral and I will discuss things every night for that first week and find a solution that we are both happy with. I am not ready to put MacKenzie is a room all by herself yet. In part because I had hoped that she would stay in our room until she was 6 months old, and I do not want to sacrifice attachment with her once Jaris comes. He has a natural attachment to us due to living in mommy for 9 months. While we are attached to MacKenzie she has only been with us for 3 months, a third of the time that Jaris has been with us, just inside me. So all of that to say we will see how things go! I love the bedding we bought her so it is nice to get to use it!


Leanne said...

I so wish I was closer and could come hold babies and bring a meal!

Janelle said...

if we were still in S'toon - i would seriously consider coming out there to help you! i would LOVE LOVE LOVE that! but i know you are surrounded by tons of people who love you & can get to you quicker, so i will let them do what i want to.
love you! can't wait!!! :)