Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Jaris Zachery Krahn

Well due to complications with blood pressure - Jaris Zachery Krahn was born at 12:01 am on March 27th. Trust me I pushed hard enough to try and get him to come on the 26th, however just did not make it!

We are very excited to have our little boy and our little girl! Our family is complete (at least for now), and we look forward to spending time with our children watching them grow up and become the amazing children God desires for them to be.

So Jaris' birth in to the world happened 11 days early due to my blood pressure being high and some tests showing that my organs were being affected by the high blood pressure which in turn would affect Jaris. So seeing that I was already 3 centimeters dilated and 100% effaced my water was broken on the 26th at approximately 4 pm, and I shortly went into labor, and with the help of oxcytocine was full dilated by 11:15 pm. Had to wait to push until Jeral got there are he was on a walk, and not at the hospital. I pushed for just over 30 minutes and Jaris was out. I got to hold him right away, and then though he was quickly passed to Jeral because my blood pressure dropped to 43 over 31, and I started to hemorrhage really badly. I am a red head and apparently there is a greater chance of hemorrhaging if you are a red head. I gave everyone a good scare. I guess you know in reality that women do die in child birth, however you never think you may be one of those women who might have complications that could lead to death.

Jaris and I got to come home today, which is nice. We may have to go back if he stays jonndist (sorry do not know how to spell), and since he is not getting enough from me when he nurses I am topping up with formula - not what I had originally wanted, however I want to stay home with my family and not be in the hospital and we have done the formula/Bottle thing with MacKenzie and I am able to let go of breastfeeding both of them if it means my son and I get to stay home. I know some may question this decision however - I am okay with that, and will still choose to make the best decisions I can and think are best for my children, and us as a family!

Life is about to be crazy busy and I am not totally sure how we will manage it however I know we will and that is the best thing, know that God is with us and he will guide us through. I am blessed to have two wonderful children and an amazing husband and to be alive to experience it all!

Pictures coming soon - when I have more time, and help!

Love - Leanne, Jeral, MacKenzie and Jaris!!!!!!


Caroline said...

Congratulations Leanne and Jeral and big sister MacKenzie! I've been checking many times/day to see if he came! Wow! Wahoo!!!!!

Ashlea said...

Horray!!! So wonderful! I'm glad that everyone is doing well and that you are okay! I've also been checking to see if you had him and was so happy when I checked this evening and you had posted.
Can't wait to see pictures :)

P.S. Anika was a bit jaundiced when we brought her home but it was sunny out and we just set her on the floor while the sun shone on her; she got better on her own. Hope you can stay at home too!!!

Malory said...

YAY!!! Leanne! I am so thankful that you are ok, I didnt' like hearing that your blood pressure was so low! that is crazy! I'm so happy for you all! Congratulations my friend and God bless you all!

Unknown said...

Congratulations that Jaris has finally arrived safely and you made it through alright Leanne..what a scary thing with your blood pressure going that low...Don't you worry about anyone telling you not to breastfeed or not..when my Connie was born 5.5 years ago I didn't have enough of my milk coming in either and was pumping etc and we had to supplement as she was so hungry. She was going to be a failure to thrive if we hadn't done that so do what you think is best for you and your baby...
Congratulation to you Jeral (dad again) and Leanne and Mackenzie
May the Lord just bless your whole family at this time

Jodie said...

So excited for you! Congratulations. Can't wait to see pictures. That's the scary thing about childbirth, when something goes wrong, it can go wrong quickly, I'm glad you were in a hospital and recieved good care.
Wow, you will be busy these next few weeks. I'll be praying for you.

Bunny said...

We are so excited for you both...or all 3 of you. We can't wait to meet both of your little miracles. Blessings and hugs dear friend.
